I am a lecturer in Mathematical Sciences at Dublin City University, where I am working on Spatiotemporal Statistics for global scale climate data.
Research interests
- Spatiotemporal modelling for climate data
- Geometry and statistics
- Statistical learning of nonlinear data
- Construction of kernels for Gaussian modelling and machine learning
- A Gaussian Process Regression Model for Distribution Inputs
F. Bachoc, F. Gamboa, J.-M. Loubes, and N. Venet
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2018 [article] [arXiv preprint]
- On the existence of fractional Brownian fields indexed by manifolds with closed geodesics
N. Venet
[arXiv preprint]
- Nonexistence of fractional Brownian fields indexed by cylinders
N. Venet
Electronic Journal of Probability, 2019 [article]
- An anisotropic model for global climate data
N. Venet and A. Fassò
Invited specialized session at SIS2019, Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, 2019 [arXiv preprint] [slides]
- Modèles de régression gaussienne pour des distributions en entrée
N. Venet, F. Bachoc, F. Gamboa, and J.-M. Loubes
49è Journées de statistique, 2016
You can find my PhD thesis here. Articles 1. and 2. above contains the same results with better motivation and writing, while the thesis introduces background material.
Slides from the defense are here.
Last Events
- Aug. 2019: International Conference on Environmental Statistics, Kunming, China
- Jun. 2019: Conference Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, Milano, Italy [slides]
- Jun. 2018: Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno, Italy
- Jul. 2017: European Meeting of Statisticians, Helsinki, Finland
- May 2017: Journées de Statistique, Avignon, France
- Dec. 2016: Latin American Congress of Probability and Statistics, San José, Costa Rica
I look like this
I am in the foreground, in the background is Mount Batur.